Every Kind of Moduli Space
This is an online learning seminar on the topic of moduli spaces, organized by Max Weinreich and Mark Sing (Brown). To be added to the email list and receive the Zoom information, please send an email to [max underscore weinreich at brown dot edu]. The seminar will meet Fall 2021, Wednesdays 4pm-5pm EST starting 9/22. We welcome non-Brown-affiliated participants!
This somewhat unusual seminar will be aimed at explaining the many points of view on the term "moduli space" across mathematics, and comparing and contrasting how these moduli spaces might be related. Our learning goals are to get participants past the initial hurdle to reading papers in each area, with the long-term result of increasing collaboration between our individual areas. We will cover the following topics:
- Teichmuller space
- Moduli of translation surfaces
- Geometric invariant theory
- Tropical moduli spaces
Here is an approximate schedule:
9/22 Introductions + Intro to Moduli Thinking (Max Weinreich)9/29 Teichmuller Space I (Changjie Chen)
10/6 Teichmuller Space II (Changjie Chen)
10/13 No meeting - Fall break
10/20 Moduli of translation surfaces I (Sam Freedman)
10/27 Moduli of translation surfaces II (Sam Freedman)
11/3 TBD
11/10 TBD
11/17 TBD
11/24 No meeting - Thanksgiving break
11/31 Geometric Invariant Theory I (Max Weinreich)
12/1 Geometric Invariant Theory II (Max Weinreich)
12/8 Tropical Moduli Spaces I (Claudia Yun)
12/15 Tropical Moduli Spaces II (Claudia Yun)